The Story behind establishing MaRhyThe® in the United Kingdom
My name is Andrew Hammond. I am the co-founder and advanced instructor for Matrix Rhythm Therapy in the UK. I was suffering from Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS). Because of that I have been constantly on very strong pain killers, I was on the waiting list for a spinal cord stimulator offered by the chronic pain clinic when I was introduced to Matrix Rhythm Therapy which changed my life dramatically. Most noteworthy it changed my life from a disabled person into an active person again. Therefore, I want to make aware to other patients with FBSS that this therapy can also help them. This is my story:
Two back surgeries led to Failed Back Surgery Syndrome FBSS Diagnosis
I have been through two back surgeries which all started with a back hernia, an emergency discectomy in August 2009, followed by L4-5 PLIF – Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion – in October 2011.
Furthermore, I have had many sessions of physiotherapy and Pilates, also prescribed very strong pain killers (including Tramadol & Codeine), several facet joint steroid injections in between my surgeries.
Following on from this last surgery I had some 6 months where my back pain was relieved. However, my back pain restarted by January 2013, and this time I also had stabbing, burning sensations, electric shocks and pins & needles, which I was told that this was neuropathic pain. In addition nerve conductive studies showed nerve damage.

My life: Disabled, restricted mobility, constant pain
I was socially crippled, I was not able to work full time, and hardly made the 4 hours a day. Furthermore I was constantly on high dose pain killers and they made me drowsy, and I could not think straight.
The general practitioner has referred me to the social services where I was given a disability badge.
By July 2014, I was not able to even walk to the gate at the airport and had to seek special assistance. At this time I was in a wheelchair and using crutches. I was sleepy most of the day, and had no life, living with constant pain.
A „successful“ operation leads to Diagnosis Failed Back Surgery Syndrome FBSS
Although my surgeon told me that my MRI scans showed that the surgery was successful, my symptoms were getting worse. He offered me more epidural injections, more physiotherapy and Pilates. Eventually I was referred to the chronic pain clinic where I was diagnosed with FBSS (failed back surgery syndrome) and was put on a waiting list for a spinal cord stimulator (SCS).
At this point I was happy that at least I had a hope to become better.
During the waiting period I was reading and gathering information about my diagnosis and was started to worry about the potential side effects and limitations of the SCS.
Research pointed to Matrix Rhythm Therapy as possible help
My wife who is a research physician was in search for an alternative approach as she was not happy that I was offered a “brain tricking stimulation” device as “treatment”!
One of her friends from high school years who suffered from scoliosis have mentioned Matrix Rhythm Therapy to us. The concept of application of mechanical vibrations to the affected musculoskeletal area in the same natural frequency range (8-12Hz) of normal cells, leading to the restoration to a healthy state was fascinating. My wife was very keen that I try it, however I am a true sceptic of these alternative ways and thus I was very negative about it at first. Nevertheless, we had a serendipitous opportunity to meet the founder of Matrix Rhythm Therapy-Dr. Ulrich Randoll, where I had an initial session after an introduction to the concept by him.
Immediatel relief with MaRhyThe – my way out of FBSS
At first I felt an incredible relief during the initial 30 minutes following on from the treatment around my spine in my back. At the end of the first treatment, I had no pain and was able to walk without crutches for about 5 -6 hours.
Above all I was very pleasantly surprised and decided to give this therapy a try.
I travelled to Munich in October 2015 to Dr. Randolls’ clinic and had 3 days of intensive treatment where he also trained my wife to be able to continue my treatment back at home.
After nearly 6 years of pain – back into life
The next 6-8 weeks my wife treated me 2-3 sessions per week with MaRhyThe® around the whole spine. Day by day I was improving and feeling less pain, doing more and by mid-December I felt good enough to visit New York.
I was able to visit New York and walk to see many attractions during our 5 days stay – for me it was my long wanted dream come true. Finally, after suffering nearly 6 years with chronic pain. I was extremely happy. At this time, I still was not sure of what to expect in the long term. Therefore, I was worried that my pain might return like before. But after the New York trip, I only needed an hour treatment once a week, then once every 3-4 weeks and I stopped taking pain killers by the end of December. Furthermore, after the 4th month I was very pleasantly surprised that I had no stabbing, burning sensations left. I felt stronger and stronger and started to live a more active life like before, it was lovely to be able to work again.
Former FBSS patient establishes Matrix Rhythm Therapy in UK
By November 2016, I felt as healthy as before. Moreover, I decided that I would train to become a Matrix Rhythm therapist and make it available in the UK so that people suffering like me can benefit from this wonderful therapy.

Hence I established MaRhyThe® UK in March 2017, following on from my training in Munich with Dr. Randoll. Additionally I also attended advanced MaRhyThe® workshops in Ischia, Italy and Cesme, Turkey in 2018/2019.
My wife and myself are extremely grateful to Dr. Randoll and to this wonderful therapy with no side effects whatsoever. I am proud to be part of the International Matrix Rhythm Therapy Family and I am working in the UK treating people in need, in different parts of the country as well as working as advanced instructor. Our aim is to reach as many therapists and train them to reach out to people with pain and restricted mobility due to many different conditions.
There are many other indications where this therapy can be used.
Here you can download the article as pdf
More Information:
Case Report Poster Presentation of Özlem Ataman-Hammond MD, PhD on the International Conference on Controversies in Neuropathic Pain, 23 – 24 October 2019, Munich
More about Matrix Rhythm Therapy and more about Matrix Rhythm Therapy UK